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"Souper" Benefits of Soup

Nutrition, From Our Kitchen

It doesn't matter if you're in Florida, Ohio, California or British Columbia, Canada, when cold weather sweeps through nothing seems to taste better than a cup of soup. Almost every region or country around the globe has its own special recipe. In New England it's all about Clam Chowder, Gazpacho is the specialty in southern Spain, and San Francisco is known for Cioppino. Soup also seems to be our “go to” when we're sick. Many people, including doctors will tell...


Cajun v. Creole

From Our Kitchen

We're hearing a lot of talk about New Orleans right now. That's because Mardi Gras is in full swing. Head down Bourbon Street and you will find a variety of traditional N'awlins foods that feature the flavors of Spain, Africa and Native America with a bit of the West Indies, Germany, Ireland and Italy mixed in. From crawfish to jambalaya to gumbo, the talk of the town is about Cajun and creole cuisine in the French Quarter. Many think creole...


Have A Heart & Exercise

From Our Kitchen

February is American Heart Month and many of our schools will be participating in Jump Rope for Heart, an educational fundraiser for kids sponsored by the American Heart Association. Let's bring the fun into our homes by adopting some heart-healthy habits the whole family can enjoy. Here are a few great ideas, adapted from the American Heart Association's website: Reduce screen time. Encourage alternative activities to keep your kids occupied that doesn't rely on the TV, computer or phone. Let...


Avocados Are Awesome!

From Our Kitchen

The "big game" is just around the corner and that means a lot of food. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, this Sunday is the second highest day of food consumption in the United States. The biggest day? Thanksgiving! You may not be able to control the outcome of the game, but you do have control of the snacks you serve during the festivities. Nothing says superfood like the avocados in your guacamole. If eaten in moderation, this...


Fiber Filled Oats

From Our Kitchen

According to The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, women should consume at least 25 grams of total fiber each day, while men should consume at least 38 grams. So, how do you make that a reality? Oats could be the answer. They are a whole grain and a good source of fiber. A warm bowl of oatmeal is a great option to boost your fiber intake. With so many varieties of oatmeal available, navigating the cereal aisle can be a...


Resolve To Get Organized

From Our Kitchen

“This is going to be the year I get organized.” Each year millions of people make that declaration on New Year's only to have it fall apart shortly thereafter. While we don't have a secret ingredient for getting organized at home, we can help you get organized while cooking. In order to get food out on time and stay true to our scratch and batch cooking methods, SAGE chefs must run highly efficient kitchens. Two minutes can mean...


Simple Steps for Healthful Eating

Nutrition, From Our Kitchen

With all the conflicting advice about how to eat and what foods can best contribute to a healthful lifestyle, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. The American Dietetic Association (ADA) wants to make it easier to eat well, so they have produced a handy pamphlet called "10 Simple Steps." The guide is based on the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion. The guide is not available to...


Best Breakfast Bets

Nutrition, From Our Kitchen

How many times have we heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Studies show that children who eat breakfast learn better, behave better, and are more likely to meet their nutrient needs each day. Unfortunately, it's the meal most likely to be skipped. To make sure that breakfast is part of your family’s morning routine, be prepared with quick, easy, and convenient options for morning fuel. An ideal, balanced breakfast includes a whole grain (whole wheat...


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