From Our Kitchen
Two kid-approved comfort favorites all wrapped into one toasty, delicious sandwich! Makes 2 sandwiches Ingredients 4 slices dense bread 4 slices American or cheddar cheese 2 tablespoons butter 1 ½ cups macaroni and cheese Instructions for 1 sandwich Step 1: Butter two slices of bread and place them butter-side down on a skillet over medium heat. Step 2: In another skillet, over medium heat, warm half of the macaroni and cheese. Step 3: Put two slices of cheese on one of the bread slices and...
The Prevalence of Food Allergies at SAGE
Nutrition, Allergies
As a dining service that primarily serves children ages 5-18 in approximately 275 independent schools in North American states and provinces, including British Columbia, we know first-hand about the severity, prevalence, and rising incidences of food allergies in recent years. Feeding food-allergic students, some of whom may be navigating food choices independently for the first time, is a tremendous responsibility that we take very seriously. To better understand our food-allergic population, we conduct an annual client survey about allergies to...
From Our Dietitians: Fueling Athletes on the Go
Nutrition, Performance Spotlight
For families with young athletes, spending time on the road is a fact of life. While this is a fun, exciting time for the whole family, frequent travels between practices, games, and tournaments can limit dining options, which may make it more difficult to fulfill your athlete’s nutritional needs. Our Registered Dietitians put together some tips based on our Performance Spotlight™ athletic nutrition program to help you fuel up for best performance when you’re on the go. Carbohydrates – provide...
From Our Dietitians: Farmed versus Wild-Caught Fish
Farmed or wild-caught fish? It’s an issue that consumers consider for both health and environmental reasons. Health-wise, you might wonder which has more nutrients. Environmentally, you wonder which is better for fish populations and the oceans. Read on to learn more and find some tips to source fish that’s right for you. Health Impacts of Fish Consumption Fish is generally considered nutrient-dense, protein-rich, and relatively low in sodium. Fish and shellfish are the main dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids...