From Our Kitchen: Two-Step Pineapple-and-Mint Green Smoothie
From Our Kitchen
On a hot summer day, nothing's better than this sweet, refreshing treat in a bright color that's bound to bring smiles! Six of our venues served it up this spring—now it's your turn! Pineapple-and-Mint Green Smoothie Yield: Serves 1 Ingredients 1 cup baby kale, washed and trimmed of stems 1/2 medium-sized lime, juiced 1/4 cup 100% apple juice 1/4 cup 100% pineapple juice 1/2 cup pineapple, cubed and frozen 2 mint leaves Preparation Step 1 Blend kale with lime, apple, and pineapple juices...
Growing SAGE: Hands-On Education at Meadowridge Gardens
Growing SAGE
The gardens at Meadowridge School in Maple Ridge, British Columbia have been under construction for the past year—but lucky for our SAGE Team, they're coming back in full bloom! The four-year-old organic garden, run by Meadowridge's outdoor experiential education coordinator, James Willms, is composed of a 10’x 20’ greenhouse and 12 raised garden beds with automated irrigation. Because students are the primary gardeners, the edible gardens are timed for harvest during the school year. Students grow beans, cucumbers, garlic, kale, lettuces, onions, peas, pumpkins, radishes, squashes, sunflowers, tomatoes...
V is for Vegetarian
Educational Seasonings, Events, From Our Kitchen
At SAGE, we believe that great food and great education can go hand-in-hand. We view every meal as an opportunity for our students to engage—with new friends, new foods, and new understandings. Educational Seasonings is a monthly program that puts those beliefs into action, bringing historical, cultural, and culinary topics to life for our students with informational guides and creative displays. It's one of the many ways SAGE delights the senses, inspires minds, and fosters community at every venue! The...
Thirty Years Strong at Patisserie Poupon
Locally Sourced
This month, Baltimore's Patisserie Poupon, which was founded by Joseph Poupon and his wife in June 1986, celebrates its 30th anniversary—and its 14th year of partnership with SAGE. A trained pastry chef from Western France, Poupon moved to the U.S. in 1974. He worked in New York, and then in D.C., making pastries. Poupon had always wanted to own a shop, and a decade later, the opportunity presented itself when a friend of his bought a strip of abandoned buildings on...
Tapping into Our Roots: Rediscovering Community by Eating Locally
SAGE Community, Leadership
Now that school's winding down, most of our students have summer reading assignments— and they're not alone. SAGE has summer reading, too! We take our mission to "inspire minds" seriously, not only for the students at our schools, but also for our leadership across North America. That's why our District Managers and other leaders are assigned a book to read each summer. When school's back in session in the fall, they all get together to discuss key chapters and apply what they've learned to...