All Foods Fit: Let’s Explore Food!
Nutrition, All Foods Fit
Welcome back to our All Foods Fit series! As part of our All Foods Fit campaign and nutrition philosophy, we’re exploring a variety of components related to food: Fuel, Culture, Exploration, Togetherness, and Enjoyment. All Foods Fit means there are no “good” or “bad” foods. We eat many different foods for many different reasons — to keep us nutritionally balanced, provide the opportunity to explore other cultures and flavors, and allow us to create long-lasting memories and enjoy the dining...
On the Road With Rob: Worlds of Flavor® International Conference and Festival
Menu Development
We’re back with a new edition of our “On the Road” blog series! We’re excited to feature SAGE’s Director of Menu Development Rob Coutu, who traveled out to Napa Valley in November 2022 for the Worlds of Flavor® International Conference and Festival, presented by the Culinary Institute of America. The theme of the 2022 conference was Africa and the World. Below, Rob shares his experience at this critically acclaimed annual conference. The conference explored the foods, culinary techniques, and diverse...
International Cuisine: Chile
Menu Development
Chile is known for its unique geography, running 2,640 miles in length but only about 100 miles wide. Its geographic extremes range from the Atacama Desert (the driest nonpolar desert on Earth), to the fertile Central Valley where about 85% of the population lives, to the south where heavy forests and volcanoes give way to the glaciers and lakes of Patagonia. However, with the exception of some regional specialties, a similar cuisine is enjoyed throughout the country. Chilean food...
Easy Nutrition Guidance: Understanding the SAGE Spotlight Program®
Nutrition, Articles, Spotlight Program
Navigating nutrition information is a lifelong skill. In an increasingly fast-paced world with seemingly endless information, it can sometimes be tricky to sort through all our choices and understand what’s best for our nutrition. We created the SAGE Spotlight Program® to guide community members on building nutritionally balanced plates and encourage practicing variety, balance, and moderation. Aligning with our All Foods Fit nutrition philosophy, the SAGE Spotlight Program® focuses on balancing nutrition guidance with fostering a positive relationship with food...
How We Protect Against Eating Disorders
Nutrition, Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders Awareness Week (February 27-March 5) reminds us that although it isn’t easy to talk or think about eating disorders, it’s important. Eating disorders are complex and life-threatening mental illnesses that affect all ages, genders, races, nationalities, sexual orientations, and body shapes and sizes. They exist on a continuum with disordered eating, and symptoms range from extreme restriction to binge eating and distorted body image. The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) reports that 30 million Americans will struggle with...