From Our Kitchen: Gluten-Free Apple Pie
From Our Kitchen
Learn how to make this fall staple at home. You can use any apples, although our Chefs recommend tart baking apples like Braeburns or Granny Smiths. If you’d prefer, the gluten-free flour can be swapped easily for regular all-purpose flour. Grab your vanilla ice cream and enjoy! Yields: 1 Pie Ingredients for Crust: 2 ½ cups gluten-free all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 sticks cold, unsalted butter, cut into small pieces 8 tablespoons ice-cold water Crust Preparation: Step 1 Cut...
Meet Michael Chow, Helping Shape Future Leaders
Articles, From Our Kitchen
Mike Chow, Food Service Director at Crofton House School in Vancouver, British Columbia, is known for his inspiring and approachable demeanor. With over 28 years in the food service industry, he’s honed his culinary and leadership skills, but his knack for relationship-building and exceptional customer service makes him a client favorite. “Mike is a respected and well-liked member of our community, extremely easy to work with,” Crofton House Director of Finance Karen Choi said. “I appreciate that he’s open...
We’re excited to announce our All Foods Fit campaign! We want to encourage a positive relationship with food and remind you that all foods have a place on your plate. SAGE’s nutrition philosophy is All Foods Fit. This means that there are no “good” or “bad” foods because we eat many different foods for many different reasons. Food supports physical, social, emotional, mental, and cultural well-being — which support overall health. We want to honor and celebrate those reasons! Food...
How To Navigate Your SAGE Menu
Spotlight Program, Online Menu
Check your dining menu in advance so you have more time to eat and catch up with friends. Access it online through your community website and through our free Touch of SAGE® app. Here’s all your SAGE menu has to offer! Choosing Your Menu View Your menu features a restaurant-style format where menu items are organized by the following categories: Specials, Soups, Salads, Deli, Entrées, Sides and Vegetables, and Desserts. You can opt to view the menu by concept as...
Rise and Dine! Enjoy a Balanced Breakfast
From Our Kitchen
At SAGE, we know balanced meals are necessary for strong academic and athletic performance. And while we’ve got you covered at lunchtime, eating a nourishing breakfast is the best way to prepare for a successful day ahead, making it arguably the most important meal of the day. A morning meal not only provides your body with energy to start the day but also helps with attention, memory, and creativity. In other words, breakfast sets you up for a productive day...
Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month
At Home With SAGE
National Hispanic Heritage Month is a dedicated time to celebrate the culture, contributions, and influence of Hispanic Americans on the history and culture of the United States. While it may seem strange to begin and end a celebration mid-month, the monthlong period encompasses many celebrations and traditions. Independence and Día de la Raza The U.S. begins its celebration on September 15 because it's the anniversary of independence for Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Mexico and Chile celebrate...
On the Road With RDs: Menus of Change
Sustainability, Articles
We’re back with a new edition of our “On the Road” blog series! We’re featuring SAGE Registered Dietitian Amanda Zimmerman, who attended the Culinary Institute of America’s annual Menus of Change conference in June 2023. We caught up with Amanda to hear about her experience and what she learned at this leadership summit. What was the Menus of Change conference about? This annual conference centers on topics that are critically relevant to chefs and operators in the food service industry...