Crack Open Some Eggnog For The Holidays
It's that time of year again – cue the holiday music, hang up those stockings, and sip a creamy cup of eggnog next to the fire. We know, we know, half of you just said, “Yum, I love eggnog,” while the other half said “Eww, no way!” Eggnog can be a polarizing food at many holiday gatherings; people either love it or hate it. Yet it remains a holiday staple. Some food historians say eggnog originated during British...
Rethinking Resolutions
As the holiday season winds down and New Year's approaches, many of us are contemplating our resolutions for 2016. According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, while close to half of Americans usually make a resolution, only 8% are successful in achieving them. What's the deal? If we make our own goals, shouldn't we be able to meet them? We've all heard the saying “my eyes are bigger than my stomach.” The same sentiment also applies to resolutions: we...