From Our Kitchen: Roast Turkey with Harissa Paste
From Our Kitchen
Give your turkey a kick this holiday by marinating it with harissa, a spicy, aromatic chili paste widely used in North African and Middle Eastern cooking. This versatile paste can also be added to roasted vegetables, blended into hummus or dips, or stirred into soups. Harissa Paste: Yields 1 cup Ingredients: 8 dried guajillo chilis, stemmed and seeded 8 dried New Mexico chilis, stemmed and seeded ½ teaspoon caraway seeds ¼ teaspoon coriander seeds ¼ teaspoon cumin seeds 1 teaspoon dried...
One-on-One with a SAGE Executive Chef: Kim Durm
SAGE Community, One-on-One
Kim Durm has served as the Executive Chef at Notre Dame of Maryland University (NDMU) since November of 2015, and she’s been with SAGE since 1995. Kim’s sage (lowercase, that is) advice on life and teamwork is informed by her keen sense of humor, refreshing perspective, and generous goodwill. How did you get into the foodservice business, and with SAGE? Actually, I wanted to be a cop. But I was a very hyperactive child. I had to be doing something...
Lunchroom as Classroom Part 1: How Lunch Furthers Education
Setting Good Examples, SAGE Community
Imagine if there were a class that improved students’ wellbeing and performance in every other class. Here at SAGE, it’s not a utopian dream. We call it “lunch,” and many schools are missing out on the opportunity to make the most of it. Lunch provides a number of benefits. Let’s start with the basics: hungry kids don’t learn well. Study after study demonstrates that kids who have breakfast, who get the recommended levels of iron, and who do not...
Wholesome, Fresh Poultry and Deli Meats Are Our Standard
Nutrition, The Classic Cuts Deli®, SAGE Standards
You may have heard talk about the potential health hazards of antibiotics and nitrates in poultry and deli meats. This is a cause of concern for many parents, who know that a high-piled sandwich or a plate of chicken tenders—one of our most popular items—is their child’s favorite meal. You can rest assured that, in a SAGE dining hall, your children’s favorites are wholesome, fresh, and antibiotic- and nitrate-free. SAGE Standards: We house-roast deli meats and source antibiotic-free chicken. What We...