February is American Heart Month and many of our schools will be participating in Jump Rope for Heart, an educational fundraiser for kids sponsored by the American Heart Association. Let's bring the fun into our homes by adopting some heart-healthy habits the whole family can enjoy. Here are a few great ideas, adapted from the American Heart Association's website:
- Reduce screen time. Encourage alternative activities to keep your kids occupied that doesn't rely on the TV, computer or phone. Let them experiment with different activities until they find something that excites them.
- Get the whole family moving. Experts say kids want to spend time with their parents if given the opportunity, so take advantage! Carve out weekend time to hit the trails for a walk or bike ride, or clean the house while dancing around to your kids' favorite tunes.
Start small, but think big. Getting the whole family to create healthy habits doesn't happen overnight. Take baby steps and consider this a journey. Tackle goals one day at a time.
- Set a good example. If you want your family to jump on the bandwagon, practice what you preach. Limit your own screen time and make time for physical activities.