The slogan for this year's National Nutrition Month® is "Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right." But what does "eating right" mean? Does eating right mean that there is a wrong way to eat?
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No! The message from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics simply means to enjoy a variety of foods. "Eating right" can mean different things for different people. If you don't eat meat then including lean meat proteins in your diet is not going to work. If you choose to avoid refined sugar then you'll likely pass on the birthday cake. If you have a nut allergy your life may depend on avoiding certain nuts!
Your goal is to build a balanced and realistic way of eating that works for you, or your own personal "eating right."
Choosing more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides a solid nutrition foundation.
Be sure to include all the foods that you enjoy. If you love ice cream, enjoy a ½ cup after dinner. You can up the nutrition value by topping it off with some sliced fresh strawberries. Love the taste of a cheeseburger? Instead of pairing it with french fries, enjoy it with a side salad. Make choices that benefit your health and satisfy your taste-buds!
Combining taste and nutrition is easy when you eat a variety of foods, balance choices, and choose less desirable nutrients in moderation. This is the key principle of SAGE's Spotlight Program. By teaching variety, balance and moderation, we learn that no food is off limits.