It's food allergy awareness week. For parents of children with food allergies, food safety is something to constantly worry about. Going to school, meeting friends at a restaurant or attending a birthday party are just some of the events met with reservation.
Greater food allergy awareness and education among the allergy-free crowd is appreciated and should include children.
Here are a few tips to increase your awareness:
Educate. One in 13 children has a food allergy. With numbers like that, your child likely has a classmate/friend with a food allergy. Take time to explain what a food allergy is and why it is serious. Check out FARE, Food Allergy Research & Education for tips on how to talk to your kids about food allergies.
Ask. Planning a play date or party? Ask parents if their children have food allergies or include a note on the invitation. Ask for allergen-free food recommendations and good safety practices if needed.
Discourage. Most parents spend years encouraging their children to share. However, sharing food is potentially dangerous. Teach your children that they can share many things, but food is not something we share. If a friend says no thank you, don’t insist.
These tips can help save a life and reduce the number of trips to the emergency room.