Become Your Own Personal Chef
Nutrition, From Our KitchenWouldn't it be amazing to have someone come to your house and cook you delicious, yet nutritious meals? While the luxury of a personal chef may not be feasible for everyone, having delicious, easy to prepare meals is within your reach. By putting in just a few hours of work on the weekend you can set yourself up for a week of fresh, home-made meals. How? By doing some prep work! Prepping food on the weekend does take some planning...
The Incredible Egg
From Our KitchenOne week, researchers say eggs are a healthy food, and not healthy the next. So, should we be serving eggs to our family? Are they good for us or not? The simple answer is yes. Eggs are packed with a variety of nutrients that are good for your brain, eyes, hair and skin. They are a rich source of choline, a nutrient important to brain health. Eggs also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important antioxidants. These antioxidants...
Why Choose Tea?
From Our KitchenFrom getting the kids up and ready to go to school/camp to getting ready for work and making sure everyone gets breakfast, we have a lot to do in the morning. Many times we reach for a cup of coffee to get ourselves going. Have you considered tea as an alternative? While tea does contain less caffeine than coffee, it is packed with powerful antioxidants called flavanoids. Flavanoids reduce damage to the body's cells and protect against heart disease and...
Made in the Shade
NutritionWe come up with a variety of excuses for not putting on sunscreen, e.g. we forgot or we didn’t think we needed to worry about it because it was cloudy or it was too late in the day. Summer is just a few weeks away! Now is the time to make sunscreen part of your family’s everyday routine. It will teach your children the importance of sun protection. While we may be preoccupied with the end of the school...
Out & About With Celiac
Nutrition, From Our KitchenA Celiac or food allergy diagnosis makes it hard enough to eat at home, let alone eating out. That is a whole other obstacle to tackle. Celiac disease isn't something to play around with. Taking chances with what you eat, can make you very sick. With the number of gluten free options available in supermarkets on the rise, more and more restaurants are recognizing the need to add gluten free options to menus. May is Celiac Awareness Month, and this...
At Home With Celiac
Nutrition, From Our KitchenIt's not an easy diagnosis. What you think may be a gluten allergy may not be an allergy at all, but rather Celiac disease. So what is Celiac disease? It is an autoimmune digestive disease that damages the villi of the small intestine, causing the body to attack itself every time a person with Celiac consumes gluten. This is why it is often misdiagnosed as a gluten allergy. A Celiac diagnosis doesn't necessarily have to mean giving up the foods...
Food Allergy Awareness Week
NutritionAs many as 15 million people in the U.S. have a food allergy, including 1 in 13 children. Whether you have a child with a food allergy or not, it is a serious condition that affects everyone. From birthday parties, to sleepovers, to a day at the mall, the slightest trace of an allergen can be life threatening. For those directly affected, this is no laughing matter. [caption id="attachment_20682" align="alignright" width="231" caption=""][/caption] Stress to your children that...
Family Meals & Food Distractions
Nutrition, From Our KitchenParents, staying involved in your kids lives may not be the only benefit of eating meals together. Studies show that sitting down as a family may also help your waistline. When we eat together we should turn off the TV and computer, put away cell phones and talk. In turn, we are less distracted and more focused on savoring our food and enjoying family. This time allows family members to check-in, catch up, and look ahead to upcoming events like...