How Sweet It Is
Our love affair with chocolate goes all the way back to the Aztecs, who paid their taxes with cocoa beans. During the Revolutionary War, cocoa was such a prized ration that the Continental Congress imposed price controls. Today, chocolate is still a hot commodity, and we have many more choices than the simple cocoa and water our ancestors enjoyed. Here's a brief “chocolate dictionary” to help you figure it all out: Chocolate for Baking Hint: When deciding which chocolate to...
New Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Nutrition, Spotlight Program
The long-awaited 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans have been released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The recommendations, designed to assist Americans in achieving lifelong health, are strikingly similar to the standards we have held at SAGE for more than 25 years. The five basic guidelines: 1. Follow a healthy eating pattern across the lifespan. 2. Focus on variety, nutrient density, and amount. 3. Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and reduce sodium intake...
Rethinking Resolutions
As the holiday season winds down and New Year's approaches, many of us are contemplating our resolutions for 2016. According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, while close to half of Americans usually make a resolution, only 8% are successful in achieving them. What's the deal? If we make our own goals, shouldn't we be able to meet them? We've all heard the saying “my eyes are bigger than my stomach.” The same sentiment also applies to resolutions: we...
Crack Open Some Eggnog For The Holidays
It's that time of year again – cue the holiday music, hang up those stockings, and sip a creamy cup of eggnog next to the fire. We know, we know, half of you just said, “Yum, I love eggnog,” while the other half said “Eww, no way!” Eggnog can be a polarizing food at many holiday gatherings; people either love it or hate it. Yet it remains a holiday staple. Some food historians say eggnog originated during British...
Thank Yourself Happy
What's so special about Thanksgiving? Why do we love it so much? Is it for family? For the feast? While these things contribute to the holiday spirit, Thanksgiving's popularity might actually be caused by a simple emotion – gratitude. This quintessentially American holiday reminds us to give thanks for all the good people and things in our lives. As it turns out, being grateful makes us feel happier. In fact, according to the Harvard Mental Health Letter, “expressing thanks may...
Athletes & Chocolate Milk – A Winning Combination
Let's face it: post-workout recovery products can be a little scary. Many contain a long list of mysterious, hard-to-pronounce ingredients. They usually carry a hefty price tag. It's hard to tell them apart, or know which one is best. But there's good news: scientists have identified one of the best products for post workout recovery – and it's good old chocolate milk! Chocolate milk rehydrates the body and aids muscle recovery. It naturally contains significant levels of electrolytes (potassium, calcium...
Eliminating Trans Fat
Nutrition, From Our KitchenWhile SAGE believes that all foods fit into a nutritious diet, there is one nutrient out there that doesn't fit. It has no redeeming quality, and it's called trans fat. Trans fat is directly linked to heart disease. It raises levels of bad cholesterol and lowers levels of good cholesterol. This information has led the FDA to propose a ban on trans fats for good. If the decision is approved, partially hydrogenated oils will be phased out of all foods...
Eat What You Can, Can What You Can't
Nutrition, Sustainability, From Our Kitchen, Gardens
Canning fruits and vegetables has made a big comeback. Sales of home canning equipment have surged since 2008, in large part due to a growing interest in eating more healthfully and reviving traditions from a simpler time. Late summer is a great time to take advantage of the bounty of your home garden or your local farmer's market and create some treats that will last through the winter. Canning has become so popular Ball canning jars has partnered with Canning...