• Serving independent schools and colleges with since 1990

From Our Kitchen: Two-Step Pineapple-and-Mint Green Smoothie

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On a hot summer day, nothing's better than this sweet, refreshing treat in a bright color that's bound to bring smiles! Six of our venues served it up this spring—now it's your turn! Pineapple-and-Mint Green Smoothie Yield: Serves 1 Ingredients 1 cup baby kale, washed and trimmed of stems 1/2 medium-sized lime, juiced 1/4 cup 100% apple juice 1/4 cup 100% pineapple juice 1/2 cup pineapple, cubed and frozen 2 mint leaves Preparation Step 1 Blend kale with lime, apple, and pineapple juices...


Growing SAGE: The Great Gardens at Greater Atlanta Christian School

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The Environmental Learning Center (ELC) at Greater Atlanta Christian School (GACS) in Norcross, GA, is remarkable for the breadth and variety of its holdings. The 10,000-square-foot landscape center has a 2,300-square-foot greenhouse, a 3,000-gallon hand-pumped rain barrel, edible gardens, planting beds, a green-roof shed, a vermicomposting station, a bee hive, a chicken coop, a turtle pond, and a fish hatchery. Self-described “resident plant guy” James Lee asserts that one goal of the ELC is to facilitate “the...


Fresh Tofu Straight from Allentown, PA

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Looking for fresh tofu? Look no further than the name. SAGE supplier Fresh Tofu, Inc., located in Allentown, PA, has stayed true to its values of freshness and quality for more than three decades since it was founded in 1983. Their signature (and only) firm-style tofu is fresh, local, organic, vegan, kosher, and even GMO-free. Owner Gary Abramowitz and his team made tofu by hand for a full decade before mechanizing the process with equipment specially designed to imitate each step...


A Creative, Compassionate Approach to Food Allergies

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The Gluten-Free Zone at Notre Dame of Maryland University It’s Food Allergy Awareness Week. Roughly 15 million Americans have food allergies, and at SAGE, we know the significance of these numbers firsthand. Just last year, we conducted a study of food allergies across our venues, and our leadership presented on accommodating for food allergies as disabilities at the National Business Officers Association (NBOA) conference. We go the extra mile to keep our food-allergic customers safe at every venue by: -...


From Our Kitchen: Arugula Salad with Beets, Apples, and Blue Cheese

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This fresh, simple salad expertly melds the lively flavors of bright Granny Smith apples, earthy roasted beets, and creamy blue cheese. Thanks to our Chefs at Moore College of Art & Design in Philadelphia for creating the vibrant Raspberry Honey Vinaigrette that ties it all together! Arugula Salad with Beets, Apples, and Blue Cheese Yield: Serves 6 Ingredients For the Roasted Beets: 2 medium beets 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil For the Vinaigrette: ¼ cup raspberries 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard...


Growing SAGE: The Awty International School Gardens

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This "Growing SAGE" post brings us to the Lone Star State, where we'll feature The Awty International School's gardens in Houston, Texas. Take a look around these lively gardens any time of year, and there’s an abundance of colorful produce! Broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, beets, carrots, garlic, spinach, cucumbers, strawberries, eggplants, bell peppers, tomatoes, peas, artichokes, and herbs all make a vibrant showing in the campus' 18 raised beds, each of which is 32 square feet The SAGE Team at Awty has...


Fostering Community: Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School

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The day after Christmas, Sam Milligan flew to Chicago. A member of SAGE's Culinary Support Team, our “mobile elite” who move from venue to venue at a moment's notice when help is needed, Sam had just one week to set up dining services at Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School. There was a lot of work to do—not only to get the kitchen up and running, but also to build trust with the community. He approached a complicated situation with...


Growing SAGE: McDonogh Roots Farm

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We’re celebrating Earth Day with a “Growing SAGE” post. Nearly 80% of our schools have gardens, so there's plenty of ground to cover! We'll begin with McDonogh Roots Farm, a thriving farm on the McDonogh School campus in Owings Mills, Maryland. Providing fresh potatoes, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, and herbs for SAGE's dining service at the school is just one aspect of this farm's mission. The farm was also created to donate food to those in need and to teach...


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