• Serving independent schools and colleges with since 1990

Celebrating the Holidays with Food

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With the holiday season in full swing, we can’t wait to make and eat delicious holiday food! Whether you’re preparing a family recipe or sitting down to enjoy a meal with loved ones, food is central to the culture and tradition that surround holiday celebrations. We asked some of our SAGE Team Members about their families’ food traditions and what recipes they’re most excited about this season. Do you cook the meal, or do you let others prepare it? More...


All Foods Fit: Celebrating Food and Culture

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Welcome back to our All Foods Fit series! As part of our All Foods Fit campaign and nutrition philosophy, we’re exploring the different components of food in greater detail: fuel, culture, exploration, togetherness, and enjoyment. To refresh your memory, All Foods Fit means there are no “good” or “bad” foods. We eat many different foods for many different reasons — to keep us nutritionally balanced, provide the opportunity to explore other cultures and flavors, and allow us to create long-lasting...


All Foods Fit: Exploring Food as Fuel

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Welcome back to our All Foods Fit series! As part of our introduction to SAGE’s All Foods Fit campaign, we’ll be covering the different aspects of food in greater detail: fuel, culture, exploration, togetherness, and enjoyment. As a reminder, our All Foods Fit philosophy means there are no “good” or “bad” foods because we eat many different foods for many different reasons. Food keeps us nutritionally balanced, provides the opportunity to explore other cultures and flavors, and allows us to...


Celebrating Vegetarian Awareness Month

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October is Vegetarian Awareness Month, and since many of the community members we serve follow vegetarian eating patterns, we want to recognize them!  There are many myths surrounding the vegetarian diet, including a plant-based diet can’t meet our nutrient needs. However, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vegetarian diets (including vegan) that are varied and well thought out are nutritious and balanced and can provide a wealth of health benefits to support overall well-being.  A common...


Drink Up! Hydrating for Physical Activity

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Water is essential for survival. Your body is around 60% water, so staying well hydrated keeps things functioning properly. Hydration is even more important when you’re physically active. It regulates body temperature, aids recovery, minimizes cramping, and enhances focus. While staying hydrated is important for all of us, competitive athletes and recreational exercisers can optimize their performance when they prioritize hydration. Hydration goes beyond taking a water bottle along with you to your workout. It should begin well before activity...


From Our Dietitians: Are Oats Safe if You Avoid Gluten?

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At SAGE, we take food allergies very seriously. We pay careful attention to the ingredients we use and post them online for guests to view. We also tag every recipe in our collection that contains any of the top 12 most common allergens recognized by the United States and Canada. Sometimes, though, allergen tagging isn’t straightforward. This is the case when it comes to oats. Although oats are naturally gluten free, they frequently come into contact with grains that contain...


From Our Dietitians: Raising Awareness about Food Allergy Bullying 

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by Lesley Vogel, VP of Food and Nutrition Being a kid with a food allergy is hard. Food allergies can make them feel sad, left out, and scared that they’re not safe. Being the parent of a child with a food allergy is hard, too. Keeping your child away from their allergen while including them in as many normal life activities as possible is a balancing act that constantly changes as they grow and develop. But it’s more than just...


From Our Dietitians: What’s the Buzz About Caffeine?

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For many people, the day doesn’t start until they’ve had a cup of coffee. The jolt you feel from your java is thanks to caffeine, a stimulant that acts on the central nervous system to boost energy and help you feel more alert. Because of its stimulating effect, caffeine is classified as a drug. Caffeine occurs naturally in some seeds and plants, including coffee, tea, and cacao. It’s also added to sodas, energy drinks, gums, candies, supplements, and even certain...


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