• Serving independent schools and colleges with since 1990

May 13-19 is Food Allergy Awareness Week


Scientists estimate that as many as 15 million people suffer from some type of food allergy. Of these, 6 million are children; and the numbers are rising. The most common food allergens are:

  • Peanuts
  • Tree Nuts
  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
    At SAGE, we take food allergies seriously. Our varied and diverse menus allow all guests to dine safely while enjoying great-tasting foods. SAGE's food service directors and staff are trained on allergen avoidance and minimizing the risk of cross-contamination. Our registered dietitians prepare detailed education materials to help students and parents make informed and safe menu selections. We welcome students to read product labels so they can better manage their allergy, both at school and beyond. At SAGE, we are committed to food allergy education and partnering with students, parents and schools to create safe environments where all kids can enjoy safe and healthful meals. For more information about food allergies, check out The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network.

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