• Serving independent schools and colleges with since 1990

A Brief History of the Slow Cooker

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While the technique of low-and-slow cooking has been around since the 18th century, the slow cooker appliance as we know it today was developed in the 1930s by Jewish inventor Irving Nachumsohn. In eastern Europe during the Sabbath, families often prepared cholent, a traditional Jewish stew made of meat, beans, and vegetables and cooked slowly at a low temperature. However, the Jewish community was prohibited from cooking because of the Sabbath, so they would bring pots of stew to a...


All Foods Fit: Celebrating Food and Culture

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Welcome back to our All Foods Fit series! As part of our All Foods Fit campaign and nutrition philosophy, we’re exploring the different components of food in greater detail: fuel, culture, exploration, togetherness, and enjoyment. To refresh your memory, All Foods Fit means there are no “good” or “bad” foods. We eat many different foods for many different reasons — to keep us nutritionally balanced, provide the opportunity to explore other cultures and flavors, and allow us to create long-lasting...


Navigating Your Online Menu

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SAGE’s online menu has many tools and features to help you navigate the options in your dining hall. Online Menu Features  Online menus feature a restaurant-style format where menu items are organized by the following categories: Specials, Soups, Salads, Deli, Entrées, Sides and Vegetables, and Desserts. Under each menu item, you’ll see the station name for where you can find that offering. To sort by station, click the BY STATION button directly below the menu name on the left-hand side...


Celebrating National Native American Heritage Month

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What began as a day of recognition in the early 1900s with American Indian Day is now a monthlong celebration of the rich cultures and traditions of American Indians. Also known as American Indian Heritage Month or American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month, National Native American Heritage Month honors the many Indigenous people of the United States. Each November, we celebrate the history, culture, traditions, and contributions American Indians and Alaska Natives have made in shaping the United States...


SAGE Manager Participates in Student Trip to Thailand

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For the past two decades, Rachael Reigelman has been a leader for SAGE at Louisville Collegiate School. She’s so integral to the school community that she was chosen as a chaperone to travel to Thailand this past summer on a student trip.  Rachael has been with SAGE since 2003, all of that time as the Food Service Director at Collegiate, a junior kindergarten-12th grade, coed independent day school in Louisville, Kentucky. One of the activities the school offers is...


The Makings of a SAGE Menu

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SAGE has been promoting scratch cooking and focusing on variety since the beginning. We understand a positive mealtime experience can impact students and their academics, attendance, athletic or extracurricular activities, and overall well-being. That’s why we put such care into making sure every menu provides a variety of options to properly fuel our communities and accommodate all palates and eating patterns.   The foundation of a SAGE menu is our scratch-made recipes. Each SAGE recipe is written by one of...


Celebrating Canada’s October Holidays

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October is home to two monthlong celebrations in Canada: Women’s History Month and Latin American Heritage Month. Let’s take a look at how these holidays are celebrated in Canada and how food plays a role.  Women’s History Month corresponds with the celebration of International Day of the Girl (October 11) and Persons Day (October 18). This year marks the 30th anniversary of the commemorative month and has the theme of “She Did, So Now I Can,” which celebrates...


All Foods Fit: Exploring Food as Fuel

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Welcome back to our All Foods Fit series! As part of our introduction to SAGE’s All Foods Fit campaign, we’ll be covering the different aspects of food in greater detail: fuel, culture, exploration, togetherness, and enjoyment. As a reminder, our All Foods Fit philosophy means there are no “good” or “bad” foods because we eat many different foods for many different reasons. Food keeps us nutritionally balanced, provides the opportunity to explore other cultures and flavors, and allows us to...


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