• Serving independent schools and colleges with since 1990

What’s Vegitas®?

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According to the World Animal Foundation, there are approximately 1.5 billion vegetarians around the world, and that number continues to increase. There are many reasons why people are incorporating plant-based dishes into their diets, but possibly the most notable is growing interest in planet health and sustainability. Following a plant-based diet varies from person to person and can range from limiting meat and animal products to avoiding them entirely. Typically, plant-based cuisine highlights fruits and vegetables at the center...


An Abundance of Plant-Based Options for Vegans and Vegetarians

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We don’t have to tell you that vegan and vegetarian lifestyles are continuing to gain momentum. Whether a community member has chosen to forgo animal products for environmental, ethical, health-related, or religious reasons, SAGE makes it easy to choose a delicious, balanced meal. SAGE Standard: “We offer substantial vegetarian and vegan options.” What We Do We include at least one vegetarian option daily at The Main Ingredient®. We provide at least two vegetables daily: one fresh, and one steamed...


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