• Serving independent schools and colleges with since 1990

Growing SAGE: McDonogh Roots Farm

Gardens, From Here. From Near., SAGE Community, Growing SAGEsage img

We’re celebrating Earth Day with a “Growing SAGE” post. Nearly 80% of our schools have gardens, so there's plenty of ground to cover! We'll begin with McDonogh Roots Farm, a thriving farm on the McDonogh School campus in Owings Mills, Maryland. Providing fresh potatoes, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, and herbs for SAGE's dining service at the school is just one aspect of this farm's mission. The farm was also created to donate food to those in need and to teach...


Celebrating Mother Earth

Sustainability, From Our Kitchen, Gardens

Today is the perfect time to go outside and marvel at nature and the beauty that surrounds us. It's Earth Day! Earth Day may be a relatively new holiday, but it has a lot of influence. The first Earth Day was celebrated in the U.S. in 1970; later that year, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was founded as a direct consequence. Today, Earth Day is a global initiative, bringing together millions of people worldwide. So as you step outside...


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